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The Tree of Sephirot

In the Hebrew mysticism of Kabbalah, the sephirot are the 10 representations of various aspects of the divine spirit (sephirot is the plural spelling; sephirah is the singular). They are often drawn in a tree diagram called the tree of life. In The Devil Is A Part-Timer, The Tree of Sephirot is manifested as an actual tree, and the 10 nodes are colored magic crystals. The Yesod is one of the crystals. Many years ago when Sataniel stole the Yesod root from the tree the Yesod crystal was shattered. He hid the root at Satan's Arc in the Demon Realm.

Several hundred years ago, the angel Lailah stole the Yesod fragments and fled to Ente Isla with them. She gave several fragments away.

  • She gave one fragment to a young demon, Maou. He planted it, and it grew into a sapling which would become Alas Ramus.
  • She gave a fragment to the Northern Island's Chief Goat Herder Dhin Dhem Wurs, who fashioned it into magic eyeglasses which reveal when someone is lying.
  • She gave a fragment to someone at the church, who made it into Emi's sacred sword The Better Half, and Emi's magic armor.
  • She gave a fragment to Emi's father Nord Justina who planted it, and it grew into a sapling which would become Acieth Alla.
  • She made a fragment into a magic ring and gave it to Chiho Sasaki.

Sephirot (biblical)[]

There are a total of ten Sephirot according to Kabbalah, a religious school of thought.

Name Meaning Number Jewel Color Guardian Angel
Keter "Crown" One Diamond White Metatron
Chochmah "Wisdom" Two Turquoise Grey Ratziel
Binah "Understanding" Three Pearl Black Zaphkiel
Chesed "Kindess" Four Sapphire Blue Zadkiel
Gevurah "Severity" Five Ruby Red Camael
Tiferet "Beauty" Six Topaz Gold Raphael
Netzach "Eternity" Seven Emerald Green Haniel
Hod "Splendour" Eight Opal Orange Mikael
Yesod "Foundation" Nine Quartz Purple Gabriel
Malkhut "Kingship" Ten Crystal Yellow Sandalphon

For more information on Sephirah in the real world, see Sephirot

Ente Isla's Sephirot[]


Episode 15 - The Angels decide to do something about the degradation of The Tree of Sephirot


HatamaoV3 7

Alas Ramus

Originally, the complete personification of Ente Isla's Yesod Sephirah was Kael. At some point since then, Yesod was stolen and shattered into fragments, which each took on their own personifications. Alas Ramus, Acieth Alla, and the Evolving Holy Sword "Better Half" are among the fragments of Yesod.


Erone is the personification of Ente Isla's Gevurah Sephirah.


Copyhara is the personification of Ente Isla's Daath Sephirah.


Both Eleos and Nyx are the personifications of the Ente Isla's Malkuth Sephirah.


Alas Ramus has mentioned Keter, Binah, Tiferez, Netzach, and Hod when looking at a minivan ad with differently colored balloons.

Earth's Sephirot[]


Ooguro Tenji is Earth's Binah Sephirah. His real name is Mamuried.


Amane mentioned having an Uncle George, Earth's Chesed Sephirah, in Cairo.

11th Sephirah[]

Miki Shiba is the 11th Sephirah for Earth's Tree of Life.

Notes & References[]
